Israel-Egypt relations


GAZA (Photo credit: al-saber)

Recent worsening relations between Israel and its two previous friends are enough to open the eyes of authorities in Israel and its close ally, the US. The only two countries that ever accepted Israel in the region, Turkey and Egypt, are loosening their ties with Israel. After worsening relations with both countries, Israel has been isolated in the region. 

Due to a worsening human rights situation, long blockade of Gaza and the silence of the UN and US and its allies, things are going from bad to worse and sentiments are running very high even in the most moderate countries like Turkey and Egypt.

Recently the UN defended the blockade of Gaza and the attack on a Turkish aid ship flotilla. In sharp response, Turkey has cut all economic and military ties with Israel and expelled the Israeli ambassador. Israel has refused to apologize for the attack on the Turkish aid ship and the killing of nine Turkish people.

Turkey’s prime minister announced that now Turkish war ships will escort aid missions to Gaza. Turkey also wants to bring the case of the blockade of Gaza to the International Criminal Court. Ties between Israel and Egypt are also in hot water as the Israeli ambassador also left Egypt when angry mobs attacked and torched the Israeli embassy in the Egyptian capital. Now attacks on pipelines supplying natural gas to Israel have become routine in Egypt. 

Khawaja Umer Farooq

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